YEREVAN (Realist English). Israel is intensively pumping Azerbaijan with weapons. It is naive to believe that Azerbaijan will use these weapons exclusively against Armenians, historian Vladimir Ruzhansky believes.
“Azerbaijan has enough for the war against Armenia. These weapons are intended for a war against Iran and Russia. Shortly before the current escalation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Israel restored full strategic cooperation with Turkey, which also is not accidental. For sure, Israeli weapons are now flowing to Georgia for the war against Abkhazia. In short, the Israeli government acts like a real provocateur, thrusting a knife into the killer’s hand,” he believes.
In his opinion, in the event of a large-scale provocation against Iran, Israel will not be able to stay away:
“Moreover, Israel will be attacked with missiles from all sides — from Lebanon and from Syria too, not only from Iran. No dome, neither of iron nor of steel, will help Israel in this case. Because Iran is not Russia and the Iranians will not meekly swallow Israeli provocations. Everything may turn out so that the provocateurs will not have time to escape.
So Israel should not rely too much on its imaginary superiority in strength. Moreover, as I suspect, nuclear weapons, despite the absence in Iran, this country can always use thanks to the same DPRK.
Most likely, the Third World War will end only when one of the parties uses tactical nuclear weapons. There seems to be no other way to stop arrogant politicians fighting with someone else’s hands.”