VATICAN (Realist English). Pope Francis, in an interview with RAI TV channel, criticized the advantages that Europe had given to refugees from the Ukraine. In his opinion, racism is behind the fact that many countries are more hospitable to Ukrainian immigrants than to refugees from other countries of the world.
“Refugees are being divided into classes. There are first class and second class, skin color is being taken into account, as well as whether a person is a refugee from a developed or an undeveloped country. We are racists, we are racists. And that’s bad. The refugee problem is a problem that Jesus also suffered from, because he was a migrant and refugee in Egypt when he was a child in order to avoid death.” the pontiff complained.
Pope Francis recognizes the right of states to defend themselves, but, in his opinion, the general rejection of peace is a problem.
“I understand those governments that buy weapons, I understand them. I I understand them. I do not justify them, but I understand them.. Becuase we have to defend ourselves, because [this is] the Cainist pattern of war. If there were a pattern of peace, this would not be necessary. But we live with this diabolic pattern of killing one another out of the desire for power, the desire for security, the desire for many things. But I think of the hidden wars, those no one sees, that are far away from us. Many. Why? To exploit? We have forgotten the language of peace – we have forgotten it. We speak about peace. The United Nations has done everything possible, but they have not succeeded. I go back to Calvary. There, Jesus did everything. With mercy, with goodness, he tried to convince the leaders, but no: war, war, war against him! To oppose meekness with war for the sake of security: “It is better that one man die for the people”, the high priest says, because if not, the Romans will come. And war.
According to the UN, more than 4.7 million Ukrainians left the country after the start of Russia’s special military operation at the end of February.