MOSCOW (Realist English). The Russians have realized that the special operation in the Ukraine was not a spontaneous decision of the President. This decision was preceded by the awareness training of the people of the country during the recent days, as well as during the many years of Vladimir Putin‘s hard work in the geopolitical field. This was the opinion that political scientist Ekaterina Kolesnikova shared with the Russian political Telegram-channel “Nezygar”.
“The turning point was, of course, 2014. The genetic memory of our fellow citizens is very strong, and no one forgets the horrors of the Nazi regime, as well as the murderous wars. Therefore, the growth of the rating of the head of state is natural — “the President protects his people.” In addition, the majority of respondents express confidence in the President due to the fact that (no matter how much the collective West wouldn’t want it) Russia hears the speeches of the foreign politicians who support Putin. They directly indicate that Russia has lost her patience and that the European Union has given the Ukraine too much hope,” she believes.
In her opinion, for the growth of the dynamics of the level of confidence in the President the work of the country’s economic bloc will be crucial: “Right now, it is extremely important for the Russians to understand that “they” will not get into their pockets “to save the world”, they will also provide an adequate program of a new economic policy. Russia will never be the same again. But I would like to hear less about playing with nuclear weapons – this drives people into a trance.”
In one week President Vladimir Putin’s level of trust amongst Russians has increased by 11 percentage points, according to the results of a survey conducted by the sociological foundation “Public Opinion”.
The sociological study was conducted from February 25 to February 27 after Russia recognized the independence of the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Donetsk People’s Republic. 71% of respondents said that they “rather trust the President of Russia”, whereas as February 20, 60% of citizens held this opinion.