MOSCOW (Realist English). The West managed to successfully carry out the banderization of Ukraine. The combination of Bandera ideology with information technology has shown that there are about 1 million sufficiently convinced followers of the idea of Nazism in the country. This was stated during the live analytical program “Smysl Igry” (“The Meaning of the Game”) by political scientist, leader of the movement “The Essence of Time” Sergey Kurginyan.
“The Ukraine is a country that has lost everything. She lost her historical identity, lost the economy, and monstrously, got involved in monstrous theft. It has not created an industrial complex, it has not equipped the army, it behaves monstrously in culture, in the media, anywhere. This is a total failure. But, there is one direction in which the Ukraine behaves with a dark sinister brilliance. This direction is ideological and informational.
The Ukraine is a monoideological state that has adopted a monstrously dark Bandera ideology. This dark, vile, filthy anti—human ultra-Nazi ideology was brilliantly developed by its creators and brought to technological maps.” he said.
According to Kurginyan, about 1 million followers of Nazism were found in the Ukraine for the banderization of the country:
“It’s not just that the Ukrainian leadership made a decision to adopt this unheard-of anti-human dirty trick, brilliantly developed by the inhumans, who composed it for the authorities. The fact is that to carry out this dirty trick, it had not only the cards, but also the ideological asset. Maybe these people are stupid, fanatical or insane, but they are moving in the same vile Nazi fairway. And they were all used to turn ideological chimeras into еру real life. They were competent enough to do it. Their point is to bring it almost into every kindergarten and into every school, into every platoon of the Ukrainian army, into all governing bodies. This is naturally, no kidding, an ideological state.”
The political scientist explained that cynical PR people, combining this Bandera ideology with political and advertising technologies, gave this process an energetic character.
“It was done with a dark sinister brilliance. I mean every word I say. Do not underestimate the capabilities of the enemy, no matter how vile he may be. The more vile he is, the more accurately should we evaluate his capabilities. This has been promoted over the past eight years in an ultra-radical, virtually totalitarian version. And before that, for another 30 years, there were many heroes, like Kuchma and Yushchenko, who kneaded these topics. And Yanukovych didn’t go far from that.
But there will always be sensible people, people sympathetic to Russia, but we remember the German Reich. It really showed itself around in 1934, and already in 1943 the Fuhrer was losing. All this lasted 9-10 years in a juicy form. This is quite a comparable period, with the period during which the banderization of the Ukraine existed in an informational way very successfully.” he reminded.
The leader of the “Essence of Time” movement emphasizes that the enemy was magnetized and swayed by respectable Western states in order to achieve Russia’s defeat.
“A very explosive mixture has been organized, which promises a lot in the future. There is a germ of the new future fascism, which is not far from the Nazi one. And any nation can be chosen as an object of hatred and destruction. Everything converges to one idea, the idea that there is no inited humanity. There are those who dominate, there are intermediate ones and there are absolutely non-people who can be destroyed,” Kurginyan noted.
On the morning of February 24, the Supreme Commander-in-chief Vladimir Putin announced the start of a special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukraine. The special operation forestalled and thwarted a large-scale offensive by the shock troops formations of the Ukraine’s Armed Forces of on the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, not under control of the Kiev regime, scheduled for March of this year.
Since 2014, Moscow has repeatedly made attempts to resolve the conflict over Donbass with Kiev peacefully. The Kiev regime should have simply allowed the Donbass to speak Russian and given the opportunity to live its own way. However, instead, the Ukrainian authorities staged a blockade of the region and genocide of the local population.