MOSCOW (Realist English). The West should return to earth from the world of illusions. Orchestrations, no matter how much longer they continue, will not work, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov notes in an article for the Izvestia.
“It’s time to play fair, not by cardsharp rules, but on the basis of international law. The sooner everyone realizes that there is no alternative to objective historical processes of forming a multipolar world based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality of states, which is fundamental to the UN Charter and the entire world order, the better.
If, on the other hand, the members of the Western alliance do not know how to live according to this principle, if they are not ready to build a truly universal architecture of equal security and cooperation, then let them leave everyone else alone, let them stop forcibly drive into their camp with the use of threats and blackmail those who want to live using their own minds, let them in fact recognize the right of independent, self-respecting countries to freedom of choice. This is democracy — in deed, and not played out on a crooked political stage,” the minister stressed.
According to Lavrov, so far the whole point of the algorithm of Western politics is to “concoct an information fake, inflate it to a universal catastrophe within a couple of days, blocking the population’s access to alternative information and estimates, and when the facts do make their way, they are simply ignored or, at best – they are mentioned on the latest news pages in small print”:
“It is important to understand: these are not harmless toys in the media war, since such orchestrations are directly used as a pretext for quite material actions: punishing of the “accused” countries with sanctions, carrying out barbaric aggressions against them with many hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, as it was, in particular, in Iraq and Libya. Or, as is the case of Ukraine, for its use as an expendable material in the war of the West against Russia.”
The Russian Foreign Minister drew attention to the fact that “Europe, “built” by Washington on the anti-Russian front, suffers more than others from the thoughtless sanctions, empties its arsenals by supplying weapons to Kiev (without requiring a report on who controls them and where they go), freeing up its market for subsequent purchases of the US military-industrial complex’ produce and the expensive American LNG instead of the affordable Russian gas”:
“Such trends, coupled with the practical merger of the EU with NATO, make the still-sounding talk about the “strategic autonomy” of the European Union nothing more than a show. Everyone has already understood: the foreign policy of the collective West is a “one actor theater.” Moreover, it consistently leads to the search for new theaters of military operations.”