BERLIN (Realist English). The conflict in the Ukraine, along with climate change, energy policy and the refugee problem, remains one of the main topics of interest to the Germans at the moment. These are the results of a representative Deutschlandtrend survey.
Compared to February of this year, support for the course of the German government in relation to the Ukrainian crisis has significantly increased among the Germans. The actions of the authorities in support of the regime in Kiev are supported by 46% of the Germans, which is 10% more than in February. At the same time, more than half of them are supporters of the Greens, Social Democrats and CDU/CSU. This is the highest figure since July 2022.
The Germans also positively assessed the government’s efforts to provide the country with energy — 43%, which is 16% more compared to the fall of 2022. According to the authors of the study, this is due to the fact that Germany managed to survive the winter without interruptions in gas supply and without power outages.
“Poll to poll is different. It does not always give a comprehensive assessment, as some people are afraid to show anti-Ukrainian dissent.
They can support, for example, the sovereignty of the Ukraine, but at the same time criticize the methods of the government. I think in reality Scholz’s ratings are high and the actions of his cabinet are not supported by the majority. Nobody raises the problem of Ukrainian refugees, but I know from my sources that it is acute. Remember also the letter of the intelligentsia at the time of the decision on the supply of tanks. The Germans do not agree with the escalation of the conflict.
The economic situation has softened somewhat and this partly extinguishes the indignation of the people, but you will not get far on this. Europe will still feel the consequences of the war if it does not force Kiev to sit down at the negotiating table,” Kamran Hasanov, an expert of the INF Treaty, commented on the survey results to the Realist news agency.