BEIJING (Realist English). Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine became the main topic of the EU-China summit held on April 1 via videoconference. The European Union was represented by the head of the European Council Charles Michel and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. In the morning, they talked for two hours with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and in the afternoon yet for another hour with President Xi Jinping.
“It is very important and valuable that China and the EU can have talks in the current international situation. Following the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, the ghost of the Cold War that haunts Europe seems to be resurrected. Meanwhile, the maximum pressure campaign of the US is creating more divisions and confrontations, making it possible for the ghost of the Cold War to haunt more places around the world. As two powers that maintain world peace, two markets that promote common development, and two civilizations that drive human progress, China and the EU can bring greater hope and guarantee to world peace and stability with their talks and cooperation.” according to an editorial in the Chinese edition of Global Times.
Beijing stressed that before the summit, the Ukrainian issue was used in the West and in the United States to deliberately inflate tensions between China and the EU. According to Chinese journalists, this is a carefully planned policy of the United States, which uses the Ukraine to deter Russia, and uses Russia to deter Europe.
“Even on the Ukraine issue, China and the EU have many areas of consensus: The two sides are not willing to see chaos and war; they both hope to realize a ceasefire and stop the war as soon as possible; in terms of humanitarian assistance, there are no differences between the two. It should be noted that as the Ukraine issue drags on, it may lead to serious global economic, refugee, energy, food and financial crises. It’s Europe that will bear the brunt. China is not directly involved in the Ukraine crisis, but sincerely hopes that Europe can achieve permanent peace. In the meantime, China believes that extreme sanctions will only lead to mutual harm, complicate the situation and intensify conflicts. Europe also knows this.” the editorial board of the Chinese edition notes.
China’s trade with the EU in 2021 amounted to $828.1 billion. This is 27.5% more than in 2020. China has become the EU’s largest trading partner for the second year in a row. In the first two months of this year, the European Union overtook ASEAN and became China’s largest trading partner.